Sunday 17 October 2010

Google Instant and SEO

After the launch of Google instant on September 8th, 2010,aiming to save users 2-5 seconds per query.

There was much debate about its impact in terms of search. What were the effects so far?

Infact, it is too soon to tell any noticable impact and the real impact is yet to be seen.

Noting that instant is not yet available for many users, which suggests that most of the data available so far can not paint an accurate picture of its effects on search trends, because it is totally different from the standard Google searches.

Google instant has effected the way people used to search in search engines.

Comparing the duration of the queries, the search queries of two words are at 10.3 percent on Instant instead of 14.5 percent in the Google standard, while the queries in three words are 18 per cent as compared with 22 per cent in Google Standard, respectively.

In actual Google Instant has changed the way people search, but until it becomes clear how many people will actually use it, it's just something to monitor.

Google Instant is Really Fast

With Google Instant, Google is indexing and updating the changes to make the algorithm get the results faster. Google is now placing more weight on the backlinks and how the sites get them. Narrowing your link building strategy to get only one type of connection is not gonna cut it anymore. Google, more than ever, is now looking for a diverse range of types of back-link to a site to rank well. You can do all the work in the world to gain a ton of back-links, but only if you stick to one type of back-link, as by posting guest articles or submitting to article directories, then you're not going to get to their web. You need backlinks at full potential if you want rankings in search engines.

As a webmaster , you need to adapt the changes that Google and other Search Engines implement, on regular basis. Continuous change, is the best part of the online industry means that nobody is safe and there is always room for improvement and opportunity.

Seeking the help of specialist companies that provide Internet marketing services as well as hiring the content writers and professional SEO for your website is always a good idea. Just be sure that your SEO specialist is able to adapt to changes and open the door when opportunity is knocking.

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